The Tiny Little Habit That Deserves Big Attention

One small change in your life could make a massive impact.

Have you ever considered about the potential massive impact of developing the habit of asking for help?

Women I coach sometimes tell me they struggle to ask for help.

  • They feel silly asking for help.

  • They doubt others can truly help them.

  • They don't want to invest time, money, or ego in asking for help.

  • They see others in need of more help than themselves, so they keep quiet.

No matter the reason, you might be able to relate. 

I sure can.

But I find myself often asking clients: 

What if we took the focus off of you for a moment?

What if you asking for help actually helped more people than just you?

  • Kids who see parents ask for help learn by example.

  • Co-workers who see you ask for help see a healthy standard being set.

  • People being asked for help get to use their gifts and resources to lighten your load.

My point? There could be a positive ripple effect that begins with you asking for help.

Let's coach on this!

Considering that you asking for help can actually help others, let me ask you:

How often do you practice the tiny little habit of asking for help?

What would it feel like for someone to assist you today?

Who might simply be waiting for you to ask them to help you out?


This Diagnosis Surprised Me


Create an Upper Limit