Dana Byers Coaching

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Embracing Spontaneity: Trusting Your Professional Instincts

Many of my clients are the type of women who block out prep time for meetings, laboriously invest hours into presentations, and pass precious after-hours time crafting emails.

Can you relate to them? I sure can.

I like to encourage them (and you) to wing it.

Think back on the last presentation made, meeting led, event planned, or email sent.

Did the amount of time you anxiously invested into the preparation warrant the outcome?

Some would argue a presentation is a raving success because of all of the behind the scenes prep work.

I would argue you already know what the heck you’re doing.

I dare you to delete any time blocks for prep of any sort this week and wing it.

Delight in how naturally your words and gestures flow when you skip the bullet point outlines and rehearsals.

People want YOU, not your carefully crafted content.

Lose your inhibitions by accepting the fact that you’re not truly in control.

No amount of planning can guarantee a specific outcome.

Gain an awareness of the insignificance of many tasks. Just because someone else puts a high value on it doesn’t mean you have to agree with them.

Gain an awareness of your great capacity to wing it.

The world will keep spinning.