Impossible Goals
Hi there!
Over the years, I’ve become more and more fascinated by some people who get what they want in life and others who don’t.
Certainly, people are shaped by the environments they grow up in.
Yet, I’m fascinated by the people who transcend their environments and transform their lives regardless of the circumstances.
It seems that for every 10 people who say where or how they grew up is the reason they don’t have what they want, there are another one or two people who are getting exactly what they want, despite the same circumstances.
So, what’s the difference?
In my experience, it’s commitment.
Commitment to their vision.
Commitment to making a generational change.
Commitment to growing no matter what.
Commitment to question the status quo.
Commitment to using their mind, heart, and soul as paths to freedom instead of bondage.
Commitment to pursue the desires that God laid on their heart.
Commitment to let go of their stories and to see things differently.
It’s certainly not an easy thing to do.
But a deep commitment to a higher vision changes everything.
I’ve repeatedly seen this in my life and my clients' lives.
One of my clients committed to creating a seemingly impossible goal:
Boldly engage her leaders in difficult conversations to determine whether she'd stay in her role or leave the team.
The reward for her commitment? Crystal clear answers and a powerful path to run on.
My favorite part of her story is that - when she took action on something she'd avoided for awhile (the difficult conversations) - other dominoes began falling down in her life.
During this time of job uncertainty - she finished organizing her home office (despite having put it off for a year), walked through a cancer scare with grace, and completed planning her dream wedding.
Dang, girl!
How was all of this possible?
Unwavering commitment. A great offer. The right support. And a willingness to work through limiting beliefs and show up regardless.
Let’s make your impossible goals…possible.