Dana Byers Coaching

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A change of Pace

A change of pace is a good thing for all of us.

It gets us outside of our norms. It creates new opportunities for adventure, insight, and exploration. It lets us see the world differently.

Earlier this week I had a lovely change of pace in Florida with my husband, Chris. I never considered myself much of a sunset person before, but the moment I witnessed the sunset shown above on the beach in Naples last week moved me.

The good news? Travel isn't required to make a change of pace.

We can change our pace right at home.

Sometimes, a change of pace comes in the way that we operate throughout our day. It can be changing up how our day starts and ends.

Instead of starting your day with scrolling through social media, you could start by being intentional about your energy levels and how to approach your day.

Other times, a change of pace could be challenging yourself to try a different type of workout.

Or maybe your change of pace involves switching things up and surprising your partner or child with something unexpected. (Hint: No one I love ever says no when I suggest ice cream for dinner.)

For all of us, a change of pace is good.

It lets us see the world from a new point of view.

And that’s always a good thing.

So, how can you switch up your routine today?