Celebrating Unsubscribers
I wish you could've seen the look on her face.
I'd just shared with a client that I celebrate when someone unsubscribes from my email list.
"You what?!?" she said. 😱
We were laughing, but she was still curious as to what on earth I meant, so I explained.
When someone unsubscribes from my email list, I don't experience loss.
I experience a win.
When someone unsubscribes, it means I'm getting closer to my people.
If you're on this list and read my emails, you and I are a "want match".
That's right, a want match.
In the coaching industry, a want match happens when one person knows what they want and another person is clear on what they offer. The two people connect and start a mutually beneficial, win-win relationship.
Our win-win relationship is a light and easy one:
I know you're winning when you open up the emails I send you (and sometimes even reply to me)! You're winning when I see podcast episodes have been listened to, blog posts read, and videos watched.
You know I'm winning when you leave me a 5 star review on my podcast, share one of my free downloads with a friend, or hire me for transformative coaching.
Nothing more, nothing less.
So...here's a coaching question for you:
In what area of your life do you fear losses that just might be WINS?