Dana Byers Coaching

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The 2 Bookends of Leadership

Every important decision or interaction in your leadership happens between two bookends.

At least, that's how I see things.

After more than 20 years of leading - in churches, in a corporate setting, overseas, in a non-profit, in social work, in my home...

I see two bookends as the pillars I stand between when I make decisions or choose my actions.

Bookend 1: Prayer

Prayer is nothing more - and nothing less - than conversation with God. I ask Him for help. I thank Him for people, provision, ideas, circumstances, and more. I tell Him my frustrations. I sit in silence before Him.

This happens after I wake up each morning but also throughout my day - before coaching calls, at stop lights in my car, at the salon, standing in line at the grocery, and on phone calls.

Bookend 2: Intuition

Many people think of intuition as a gut feeling or a sixth sense. I agree. However, as followers of Jesus, I think our capacity for intuition is much more vast than some might realize.

Theologically, I believe that if I am in close relationship with God - talking to Him regularly, listening to Him, obeying Him, and looking for Him in my life - then my experience of intuition is actually hearing from the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is God. The Bible tells us the Holy Spirit is a teacher and comforter, too.

In my opinion, being followers of Jesus means that we get more than gut feelings; we get direct guidance from God Himself through the Holy Spirit. 


Let's piece these two bookends together.

Whether you're making a decision at work, leading a middle schooler through the throes of puberty, or setting expectations with an under-performing team member...these two bookends will serve you well.

Note: Intuition isn't as strong or clear if you aren't committed to prayer. The two go hand in hand.

Coaching Questions

* Which circumstance in my life today could benefit from the intentional application of these two bookends?

* Would I benefit most by strengthening my focus on prayer or my focus on intuition/hearing from the Holy Spirit today?