Dana Byers Coaching

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The Biggest Lie That You’re Telling Yourself Now

Challenging our thoughts and actions is a direct path to growth.

So if you're up for it, I'd like to challenge you a little bit today.

How would you honestly feel about hiring a coach who wasn’t getting coached herself?

Would you hire someone to watch your kids or pets if they weren’t taking good care of their own?

What about church? Would you attend a church where the pastor wasn't focused on his own spiritual health and relationship with Jesus?

Would you hire a personal trainer who rushes to get greasy fast food meals in between client sessions?

You might think these questions seem judgmental, and I could see why you would see it that way. I’m simply trying to make the point that sometimes our expectations of others are higher than those we have for ourselves.

We don’t see our own blind spots because…well…they are blind spots.

That’s why I want to challenge you today to put yourself in the shoes of the people who work and live with you.

So let's get a little bit curious here...

  1. How could your children learn to take good care of themselves if they don’t see you taking good care of yourself?

  2. How could the people you work with comfortably schedule time off if you never take a break?

  3. How could your husband lead spiritually if you don't give him a chance to?

Please know you are NOT responsible for making any of those results happen. It's not your job.

However, today's challenge is intended to get you thinking. How might you be contributing to the results you don't want?

Love ya!