Dana Byers Coaching

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Your Insecurity is Showing

Were you a few minutes late to work yesterday? Not a big deal.

Did you combine a bagged salad and a rotisserie chicken in a plastic carrier and call it dinner last night? No worries at all.

Lack of confidence? Now that's a pressing issue. It'll permeate into every corner of your life and create chaos.

There's no concealer for low confidence. I recorded a whole podcast episode about that. You can listen to it here (also available on Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcasts).

I'm coming at you today like a good friend who has your back and tells you there's lettuce in your teeth.

There's a really good chance your insecurity is showing. Let's fix that ASAP.

You can create rock-solid, come-at-me-Satan, laugh-in-the-face-of-fear confidence.

A lot of women have a surprising response when I tell them I can help them create confidence fast. They tell me they worry about having "too much" confidence.

Wait, what?!? Too much confidence?

Let's get clear on this: Having a lot of confidence doesn't involve becoming arrogant.

Confidence is a strategic tool I use daily that serves me in countless ways. 

When I coach women who increase their confidence, I see them do amazing things, including...

  • Invite God to give them an assignment and boldly agree to do whatever it is

  • Ask for help

  • Say no without backtracking

  • Face a difficult health diagnosis with calm courage

  • Stop people pleasing