Something Had to Change for Jamie

Do you like learning from others' stories as much as I do?

Recently, Jamie* came to me because she knew something had to change. Her job wasn’t fulfilling. She was struggling with productivity and time management both at home and work. In fact, she told me her job and family contributed to most of the stress in her life. 

Like many women, Jamie had moments of joy and contentment, but overall work and home were emotionally draining. 

As we began working together, Jamie wrote out what success would look like at work. She recognized she was allowing others’ perception of her to inform her satisfaction at her job. She decided to define the standard for success, and was able to wrap up her work days knowing she was winning. 

We also tackled Jamie’s biggest core fear of not being enough for the people she loves. I helped her to articulate her values so she could align her decisions with what matters most to her. 

It was life-changing for her.

Jamie learned new tools to move forward in all areas of her life.  

Think about how powerful it would be to apply these strategies to your own life. 

The empowerment you’d feel. 

The joy. 

The confidence.

If you want to produce quick FRUIT, check out my blog, videos, and podcast.

If you want to change your life at the ROOT, let's work together.


* name changed for client confidentiality


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