Her Freedom Can be Yours

I received an amazing message from Camille last week, and I think it'll speak to you, Dana.

Camille and I are online friends, and she heard I'd launched the Been There, Learned That podcast.

Like any good friend, she took a few moments out of her day to listen.

Within a few minutes of listening, Camille realized she's retired.

Camille listened to my podcast episode, 3 Ways to Retire Now, No Matter Your Age or Savings, and she realized she could cross the line and start living with a retirement mindset even as she runs a successful business full time. 

"...it made me think, oh yeah! I could probably classify myself as retired. I love what I do every day....hmmm...it's really got me thinking!"

Camille said she'd spend her time doing what she does today even if she had millions in the bank.

That's freedom.

There was nothing standing in her way! Her perspective shift energized and inspired her!

Why am I sharing this with you?

I want you to feel the same energy Camille feels when she realizes that approaching her work life as a retired person is possible.

Have you listened to this episode yet and started testing out your retirement mindset?

Or maybe you listened and felt you're too stuck or limited to consider yourself retired today.

No matter where you are on the spectrum between feeling trapped at work to feeling the freedom of a retirement mindset, there is hope for you.


Peace is an Act of Defiance


10 Words to Kickstart Your Day