10 Words to Kickstart Your Day

Let's kick start your day!

The difference between an average day and a fantastic day is intentionality.

Let's ask ourselves a powerful coaching question today to take things from average to fantastic.

Just 10 words, and here they are:

If life stopped today, what would you regret not doing?

This is a dramatic question, and I intend for it to be.

Let this question challenge and energize your day.

Let it impact how you respond when you're annoyed.  

Let your answer determine where your time goes.

Allow your response to shake you if it needs to.

As your coach, I won't assume that others in your life are asking you to consider how precious and valuable you and time are today.

I don’t want you looking back in 10 days or 50 years and suddenly realizing how precious you are and what significant value you bring after the wasted time has passed.

I want you understanding that truth today, while there’s still time to do something about it. 

Answering this 10 word question takes guts, but I believe you've got what it takes.

Here it is again:

If life stopped today, what would you regret not doing?


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