Escape Overwhelm: What Do You Want?
What do you want?
The reason any of us ever wants anything is because of how
we think or imagine we will feel when we get it.
When you think about what you want, ask yourself,
”How do I think I will feel when that happens?”
That feeling is what you actually want…not the thing that you first listed.
So let’s think a little bit more about this feeling.
When was the last time you felt that feeling?
Earning your most recent promotion?
Watching your toddler take their first steps?
Seeing your favorite musician perform live?
Now that you can recall when you last felt that feeling, I’ll ask you a couple of coaching questions to elevate your thinking:
What else could you do (besides get this thing that you want)
that would help you feel the way you want to?
How could you create the desired feeling in your life without
depending on something external to satisfy you?