1 Coaching Question for Divergent Thinking

Are you up for a little divergent thinking?

I'm a very visual person.

When faced with a problem, I like to imagine myself walking away from it - or diverging, so to speak.

What is divergent thinking? It's defined as "considering many different possibilities, especially unusual ones, in a way that helps you to think of new ideas or solutions". (Thank you, Cambridge Dictionary.)

It's taking into account the potential solutions a person who's very different from you...

in very different circumstances...

with very different education/funding/experience...

And asking yourself, "What the heck would they do if they were faced with this problem?"

It never fails! 

After some divergent thinking, I always find that I am re-energized and equipped to converge, or return back to the issue at hand.

I like to use this one powerful coaching question to get myself rolling when it comes to problem solving:

What would (person very different from me) do?

For example...

  1. Are you a farmer in rural Iowa trying to improve harvest rates and profitability? Consider what a New York Stock Exchange employee would do in your shoes.

  2. Do you want to launch a non-profit organization? What would the lead singer of a heavy metal band do in your situation?

  3. Are you a middle manager with two direct reports and a small ministry budget, needing to develop leadership skills among your young team? Consider what would the CEO of a startup with $100 million in funding would do. (FYI - The CEO's answer probably wouldn't to throw money at the problem. The best, most creative and rewarding answers rarely involve spending more money. That's likely something the CEO has already learned and would tell you.)

Give it a go! Bring to mind an issue you're working on right now. What would someone very different from you (you don't even have to like them 😉) do?

Here's why it works:

Thinking in this way gives your ruminating brain a break. It allows you to approach the problem from an entirely different angle. It refreshes the energy you need to be able to approach the issue with equanimity. 


A Fun Coaching Question


Have you noticed this about creativity?