Get Self-awareness Instantly

Becoming self-aware increases the richness of our lives and relationships. 

When you and I identify our tendencies, we empower ourselves to lean in to them or adjust them.

In the Dana Byers Coaching community, we talk a lot about what we're thinking.

But today I want to look at our thoughts from a different angle: their focus on a point in time.

Coaching Question:

Are the majority of my thoughts focused on the past, present, or future?

In other words, where are your thoughts?

Do you think most about the past, present, or future? I've heard it said that...

  • Those who focus on the past are memory-driven.

  • Those who focus on the future are dream-driven.

  • Those who focus on the present are reality-driven.

None of these three approaches are problematic in and of themselves. However, consider that a significant focus in one area could lead to problematic feelings and actions.

Ruminating about the past or fearing the unknown of the future can lead to worry or anxiety.

Keeping thoughts steady on the present can dramatically increase your sense of peace!

Your win for today: By answering the coaching question above, you’re increasing your awareness about a personal tendency. This helps your brain begin to notice when you spend an excessive amount of time thinking about the past or future.

Let this brand new awareness (the identification of your thoughts' tendency to be past, present, or future) be your win today. 

Experience the dopamine hit of being a person who is becoming more self aware instead of waiting to celebrate when you feel you're "self aware enough" to celebrate. 

Here’s my prayer for you on this promising day:

May you focus on the present, forgiving yourself of the past, and trusting God with your future


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