Let it be Ugly

It doesn't have to be pretty.

Personally, I'm referring to my workout routine.

But there are LOADS of things that you and I think need to look a certain way that really, really do not need to look nice at all.

Case in point: my exercise routine.

For years, I've tried many different things.

Some of them work well for a season, and then the season changes and it's a struggle to keep the routine together.

Right now, a fitness app workout between my prayer time and shower time on weekdays is working nicely.

But it's ugly.

Really ugly.

It's so ugly I took this pic of my cat Maisie judging me while I worked out the other morning.

Sometimes I don't like my music selection (which is very important to me).

Sometimes I think it's too hot in the room.

Or too cool in the room.

Sometimes I'm sore from the previous day and can't plank as long as I think I should.

Sometimes I work out in my PJs. 

But the exercise still gets done most of the time, so I relish letting it be ugly.

What part of your routine could you let go a bit? 

You know, really let it go.

I hope you break a bunch of rules and "shoulds" and do it your own dang way.


Need a Magic Wand?


But First, You Shrink